Taryn loves Him...

Taryn loves Him...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Quality Time...

You know I just realized today that Quality time can be any activity that you see fit... Today I decided that I need to start a reward chart for Taryn. She helps me sometimes so much that I am impressed with the many things she can accomplish...
So we are going to do a reward chart
Things I want to work on is
- chores
-nap and bedtime
- helping without asking
-bussing her plates/dishes
- taking a bath and cleaning up after
-putting her clothes away
-organizing her toys
-saying her prayers
-reading her bedtime book

What I have learned after many years of watching kids is Once they can talk and move they can help with chores and such. Any form of praise can be positive and helpful. I have been really struggling with her and bathtime, bed/nap time and doing what she knows she needs to do.
We will try the praise chart and see how it goes... I guess time will tell.